A free Open-source Portfolio template for web developers
14 Dec 2019
A beautiful lightweight, customizable, accessible and performant single-page personal portfolio website for anyone to use as their own or customize the way they like.
GitHub Repo Link →Check out the live demo here →
The template is built using HTML, SCSS, vanilla JavaScript, and it doesn't use any CSS or JavaScript libraries or have any framework dependencies. Everyone is welcome to contribute or use it as a template for their portfolio.
The menu & the buttons are almost identical to the ones from Natours Project of Jonas Schmedtmann Advanced CSS & SASS course. Many Thanks to him for such a great course.
The template is licensed under MIT License.
Details for contributing & customizing the template can be found here.
Contributions are warmly welcomed 🥰.
if you're a beginner or have no idea about how to contribute to Open Source then you can reach out to me on Twitter I would love to help & maybe do some pair programming with you to get you started.